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I just started the first episode of Sweet Tooth, and before I even like continue I just want to say... we did NOT need that narration. Y'all ever heard of "show don't tell"? You could've easily just shown us everything, the narration was so pointless it's like-

anyway yeah, I should continue the show before I review it.

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Dragons: The Nine Realms AKA the most painful thing I’ve ever had to put myself through, and I watched the new Pinocchio movie.

This… thing’s existence is completely unnecessary and stupid. It should’ve been trashed. I cannot stress how garbage this show is. Where do I even start.

Uh character design because it’s the easiest thing to talk about.

All these characters look like frickin JOKES. The main character, whatever his face is, looks like a character, a proper character, one that belongs in the HTTYD universe. The others can be chalked up to concept art. They’re literally concept art. Each character looks like they belong in completely different shows. They look so lifeless and dumb, I can't even. They literally didn't even care. The only good character was Alex, and she still looks like she doesn't belong in this show.

The dragons do not look like dragons that have evolved over thousands of years. They look like they became sentient trash over thousands of years.

They don't even look like dragons anymore. One is just a large beetle with a crystal horn. How does that even make real sense??? The main character's dragon looks like a dragon from that one show for 5 year olds "Dragons: Rescue Riders" and that isn't a good thing. The 'Featherhide' is honestly the only one that looks even half good. They name it 'Feathers'... wow... so creative. At least the other riders named their dragons with even a smidge of thought put into it. This lady, the one who's supposed to be super smart, could've called her dragon something interesting, like 'Echo' or something, but no no no, I'll call this thing that has feathers on it... 'Feathers'. I'm so disappointed. Did the writing team care that little about this show? Also when I said I liked the dragon design, I don't mean it's a HTTYD dragon design, I mean it looks pretty. It doesn't fit into this universe, it looks like it belongs in 'DRAGONS: Rescue Riders' once again, not a compliment. Wu and Wei just... let me just show you.

It's not... I don't even know what to say to this one... also they re-use Toothless's laugh for them which doesn't make any sense. Let's move on.


It's so awkward. It sounds so fake. It's so bad, I can't even with this. This show melted my brain and I will never mentally recover from this. It's not that the voice actors are bad, it's that the pacing and writing is just so bad, it makes the voice actors SEEM bad. There's just random pauses between dialogue, and the music is blasted to 100000000. Literally, I have to put a headphone warning because of how loud the music is. Also half the time, the music doesn't fit what's happening. The characters' reactions to LITERAL DRAGONS is just... it's so normal as if this happens every other Sunday or something. Alex was probably the only rational re-action and also the only funny joke in the whole thing. PS some of the voice actors actually ARE bad.

"He saved her life"


"what r u diong? This is a restricted area."


"oh- I-"

The Animation

You know that iconic scene in the first HTTYD of Toothless saving Hiccup? 

This show creates a parallel of it. And it's not a good one.

In fact, they create a lot of parallels between this and the first movie, newsflash: none of them are good. 

The animation itself was... nauseating. They so clearly just didn't give a fuck. They genuinely didn't care. They just want money.

I don't even want to talk about this anymore. I just want to end this here and forget this exists.

And for the sake of my mental health, I will not be watching season 2... EVER.

Bro, in only 7 episodes, they managed to basically come to the end of the show. Like, the dragons are about to be found out, but they can't be because they'll be poached and hunted down to extinction if they were found, but they're also like really bad at hiding their dragons, and also they have to defeat this fault ripper thing and idek what's happening anymore, but this is like... end of series kinda shit, this is usually where a series would end, like the first season would go on for one more episode and then bam end of series but no, these people are just so bad at writing, I never want to re-watch this, I don't even wanna think about it, like I said it never should've existed, I hate it, it's garbage, it looks like something I'd draw with my left hand. It started at the bottom, and it's been downhill ever since.

Just kill me now and be done with it.

Thank you, that is not all but I don't want to talk about this show any longer than I have to so I'm not going to.

Oh and the writing. The writing is horrible.

The main character somehow manages to pull up a whole entire grown woman all by himself and he is a child. Yes Hiccup did do stuff that wpuld require a lot of strength to do despite looking so scrawny but he was shown multiple times to have extreme strength like when he knocked out Snotlout with one punch so it made sense that he could pull off such incredible feats of strength cause it was already an established fact that hiccup was very strong. In The Nine Realms however, we see nothing that tells us that this CHILD is strong enough to carry a full grown adult, if anything we're just shown that he's not that strong, but no he just has this magic moment of super strength apparently.

review this!!

Deleted 2 years ago

delete it. Kill it with fire and dynamite. Burn it at the stake. Run your phone over with a cement truck. This monstrosity should never have lived.

Can you review my oc?

Name (Nickname): Flo or Flo-ocity

Age: 500 Centuries Old

Gender: None but takes form in a feminine body.

Race: N/A

Build/Body Type/Physical Frame: Shapeshifts into any body shape

Height: 7’11” in most common form

Weight: 0lb

Skin: Some kind of liquid (MCF)

Hair: Liquid that resembles hair

Eyes: Liquid pouring out of them, Black and White

Habits: Scares others way to much

Gestures/Mannerisms: Small

Demeanor/Carriage/Gait: It Carries itself well and structured

Voice: Mute/N/A

Style: Doesn’t have one

Clothing: NO CLOTHES >:)

Loves/Favorites: Seeing humans happy

Hates: War, seeing humans be violent or stupid

Hobbies: Watch over humans

Talents/Skills: Murdering evil spirits :)

Hopes/Dreams: To be at peace with the humans

Fears/Nightmares: Never being able to meet humans up close and become friends with them.

Best quality: Seeks good in everything

Greatest Flaw: Sees good in everything

Character Strengths: Physically and mentally sound.

And the coinciding weaknesses: is insecure about it.

Quirks: Unintentionally funny, weird

Most valued possession: Planet Earth

Darkest secret and/or treasured memory: Killing her mother.

Most proud accomplishment and or greatest failure: failure- Killing her mother?? Idk

Current motivation: Greed, power, love, lust, revenge, money, to win/come out on top, hate, freedom, survival? Humans

How does he/she view the future and/or the past? Horrible.

What is his/her philosophy on life and death? You need death to live.

What kind of energy level do they usually have? perky, somber, tired, aggressive, pumped, mood swings? Tired

How does he/she show and/or handle: love, affection, grief, pain, anger, sadness, conflict, change, loss? Anger.

Does he/she have a temper? If so, displayed actively or more passive aggressively? Yes, actively.

How does he/she respond to the surrounding world, the ‘unfamiliar,’ and other people in general? Empathetic, judgmental? Polite or rude? Depends.

Stingy or generous? Your choice to decide of what. Generous.

What kind of ‘public’ face does he/she display? Put up a front, open emotions, two faced Leader or a follower? Doesn’t go In public.

More happy by themselves or in a group? Alone

Does he/she have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/fetishes/ or other strange behavior? No

Intelligence Level: 210 Iq

Short Term Goals: N/A

Long Term Goals: Become friends with humans

Family: Dead

Friends: N/A

Backstory: ????

Physical Strength: Very good

Coordination/Reflexes: Medium

Fighting Style: Planned

Unusual Abilities/Powers: Can blow strong winds from its mouth, Can spew liquid from it’s hands, shape-shift into anything that is physically there.

Weapons/Other Gear: two spears.


cool af 

You get a gold star ⭐️ Good job 10/10


DO MY FREAKING FAV YT'S bc i wawna3see ur reaction to them (they do swear but its very rare or in the bloopers)Krew.JUST DO IT

(1 edit)

Demon slayer.

I cannot stress... how good of a show this is. I seriously cannot even begin to scratch the surface of the sheer awesomeness of this show.

Like the comedy is hilarious and I died laughing 7321819378 times watching it but it knows when to be serious and the balance is like yinn and yang. Spoilers for the movie if u haven't watched it because I will cry if I don't add it here.

The main characters are just perfect. Tanjiro Kamado, our main, was a coal burner before he returned home on day to find his entire family dead. All except for one, Nezuko, his younger sister. Upon noticing her body was still warm, he picked her up and made his way to the town to get her some milk- I mean help. (He need some milk- get him milk) After finding out his sister is a demon now he becomes a demon slayer and swears to kill Muzan Kibutsuji AKA Michael Jackson and cure his sister. Tanjiro is a kind-hearted boy. He cries for the death of even demons as he believes, if the demon has felt remorse for it's actions then it doesn't deserve to be treated badly but it must be killed to bring peace to it and the humans it would have killed in the future.With his keen sense of smell, and his demon sister, Tanjiro plans to rid the world of demons.

Zenitsu Agatsuma, a weird pikachu powered guy, who only attacks when he's asleep, and a simp. Upon seeing Nezuko he was head over heels in love with her. Zenitsu is afraid of his own shadow and was struck by lightning as a child, despite this he miraculously survived the hit. How he got hit by lightning in broad daylight... idk? Tanjiro finds Zenitsu begging a random woman to marry him, he is surprised he survived the test to become a Demon Slayer and instantly thinks he's gonna die, but he wants to marry someone before the end of his life so he begs the woman to marry him. Zenitsu sticks with Tanjiro to try and avoid death.

Hashibira Inosuke. As of right now, not much is known about Inosuke but from what we know his face looks like a girl's face and so to hide it he wears the head of a boar like a mask. He also invented a new type of demon slayer technique all by himself called Beast Breathing. He also cannot pronounce any names right for the life of him. He stuck with the group because Kamaboko Gonpanchiro (Tanjiro Kamado) beat him in a fight and he refuses to give up unless he beats Itadaki Tontaro (Tanjiro) in a fight. Inosuke just wants blood. Oh and he also breaks parts of his swords using rocks. He's also a dual wield.I like him.

I didn't even get started.


so... he dies. Great. I'm not crying. You're crying. And... he's just... he's so fuckin beautiful. And his eyes... and his hair... look at this precious child!

No matter how hard you try, you will never be better than Rengoku. I want contacts of his eyes. He's so beautiful. Pretty man. HE FUCKING DIES WHO SAID THIS WAS OKAY NO ONE AGREED NO ONE SAID YES TO THIS I WILL KILL THAT DEMON THAT KILLED HIM, HE DESERVES THE WORST POSSIPLE FATE!

Also TANJIRO'S AURA IS... ok so it's like a sky scene, it's calm and warm and beautiful, and the little things, the people, they help you with whatever you need even if that means harming Tanjiro, as long as you have what you need then nothing else, not even Tanjiro's well-being, matters. And that's what Tanjiro is like. THIS CHILD IS JUST- dammit. He would die if it makes you happy basically. We must protect this precious bean.

So this show is like a whole thing. If you haven't watched it, what rock are you living under? Demon Slayer is by far one of the best animes I've ever watched. I can expand this review if you want me to but that's all for now, I don't really wanna get into the Manga either bc a lot of people don't read the mangas to animes.




not rn. When I travel back home in 3 weeks


it is fair. I don’t have my computer. I’m not a great phone typer.

Demon Slayer

Perfect 👍

Fr tho I’m not at home and the review is written on my computer so you gotta wait 3 weeks for it.

Oo! Do me!

guys, this place isn’t for me to review people. Like physical real people. For more reasons than one. You can give me anything else.

waitttttt-the picture didnt-OH MY GOSH MY NET- anyways I was saying to rate this oc

oh ok very pretty. Me likey aesthetic. 10/10 veri nice. Some colors do need companionship tho. Having a color on a part of an oc and having that color be nowhere else kinda makes it look weird

yeah the picrew thing did that the non colour thing

ohhhh ok makes sense


ok. My review is, stop it. Get some help.



demon slayer

on it!

I would just like to remind everyone I am no professional. Seriously what do I fckn review.


bee movie lmao

Ok so Queen, how's Sugar? (Your cat not a movie-)

Haven't seen him in a while sadly.

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Awh still didn't come back here?
